PhD Candidates

Kang Zhang(张康)

Kang is working on self-organized patterns in salt marshes with mathematical models. 

Research interest: Biophysical self-organization in ecology, Saltmarshes ecosystems

Office: Ecology and Environment Building 366;


Guang-Cheng Cheng (程广成)

Research interest: Tidal creeks and self-organized channels 

Office: Ecology and Environment Building 366;


Co-Supervisor with Prof. Qing He

Zheng Zhu(朱政)

He is interested in anomalous transports of particles in living fluids and the enhanced dispersal caused by organisms' motion at microscaled levels.

Research interest: Nutrient transport and anomalous motion in living fluids

Office: Ecology and Environment Building 366;


Master Students
Postdoc & Staff Members

Jing Cheng (陈晶)

Research interest: Periglacial morphology and Sorted patterned ground 

Office: Ecology and Environment Building 366 或 理科群1号实验楼204室;


Alumni Students
Hao Huang, Master, Xiameng University (PhD student)
Zhen Zhu, Master, East China Normal University (PhD student)
Feng Wang, Master, Company 碧桂园房地产公司
Wen-Si Hu, Master, Nanjing University (PhD student)
Meng-Ni Gao, Master, SKLEC-East China Normal University (PhD student)
Li-Xia Zhao, PhD, East China Sea Bureau of Ministry of Natural Resources-Shanghai

Manting Guo (郭熳婷)

Research interest: Periglacial morphology and Mathematical models 

Office: Science Buildings 1-204 或 理科群1号实验楼204室;
